Friday, April 18, 2008

The dark side of popscicles

Poor bugaboo. My little lamb has another ear infection, so everything is difficult for her right now.

I thought sitting outside eating a "pa!pa!" would be a good distraction and maybe even enjoyable. And it was, until it melted faster than she could eat it.

I tried to "clean it" for her (lick up the dripping areas) That enraged her. Unfortunately, all the swinging that the ensuing tantrum brought on only encouraged the great melt.

Then, the melted popscicle fell off the stick. Poor dear was broken hearted and so angry.

How do you explain that it isn't anyone's fault, it just happens? Life just happens sometimes.

She was so beside herself that I dug out my one last hidden bpa-laced bottle, filled it with milk and decided that short term comforts were, in this case, more important than long term consequences.

It's supposed to be 24 degrees here today, after a long, wet, cold winter. Not that we'll know, we'll be stuck inside.

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