Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Help? No! Yeah! Mine! We did it!

sigh. Life with a toddler.

This morning we got dressed. Sounds simple enough.

First the shoes went on (with pyjamas still on and no socks). Then, shoes had to be tightened, with no help, but with yelps and howls of complaint.

Then t-shirt was used as a scarf/tie/shawl/coat; I'm still not sure what the purpose was.

Finally Sophia agreed to take her shoes off and her pajama bottoms off. Socks on, no problem. Leg 1 of pants on, easy, I'm homefree. Leg 2 and we come to a sudden halt. Sophia wants to do the pants up herself. OK, why not?

So starts a 20 minute process. In the beginning Sophia lies on her back and tries to do up the pants will they are still mid-thigh. Finally I convince her that they need to be pulled up over her diaper. She wants to do this herself. I say do you want help? No!

OK, let me know if you want help. Sophia proceeds to yell at her pants and grunt for a few minutes. Followed by a frantic Help! So, the pants go over the diaper.

Arrogantly, I try to button the pants when they are up. No! Mine! Want help? NO!

Leave her alone, in a few minutes: HELP!, ok, we get them buttoned.

Repeat with zipper.

Finally when pants are on, I get a high five and a big smile that we did it!

I'm ready for a nap and it's only 9:30am

And baby just woke up, screaming. Must run.

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