Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sophia Around the House

Sophia loves to be my helper. She follows me around all day, bringing me things to look at and trying to help me in my tasks. We've established a few things that are her jobs.

When doing laundry, she likes to be the one to put the clothes into the washing machine. She can get the whole tub stuffed with our stuff. She keeps working and working until it's all in. Of course, when I put the machine on and the water pours over her work, she stands at the window and cries, every.single.time.

When folding laundry, it is her job to be crazy baby and sneak up on me pulling all the folded laundry off the bed and scattering them everywhere.

She is the dishwasher-closer. It doesn't matter what you are doing with the dishwasher, the minute she hears it open, she comes running. The racks must get pushed in immediately and the door closed.

Similar idea, if the fridge is opened, it's her job to make sure it stays open for as long as possible. Like a protester protecting the last tree, Sophia will fling her body across that fridge and fight for its right to be open with every bit of her soul. Funny the first time, exasperating 4 months later.

Sophia also likes to help when I'm washing dishes. She'll pick things up and toss them into the sink for me. Not dishes, that's silly. Her baby went into the dirty soapy water head first today, fully dressed, followed by a purse, and tambourine. All treasures she picked up on her way from the family room to me as soon as she heard the water running.

Sophia doesn't like things spilling on the floor. If anything drops, all action must stop immediately. A repetitive uh-oh, uhoh, uhohuhohuhohuhoh will commence until I've acknowledged the problem. If I don't start wiping the floor clean, a high pitched shriek will start to happen. Luckily, she likes to help, so I'll give her a paper towel and let her pick up the offending cat hair. This happens 10000 times a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMARO! Sophia is a genuine little helper! I have one too. I wish that Gabe said the "uh oh" sound, but he doesn't. He does the "home alone" hands to cheeks, mouth in the "o" position, instead. And, I too, have a laundry-dishwasher-fridge monitor too!